Rupauls Drag Race All Star kembali memasuki Musim ke 5 menyaksikan kembalinya peserta Drag race musim terdahulu untuk berlumba bagi merebut gelaran ratu Draq Queen.

Tuan rumah dan penerbit eksekutif RuPaul Charles berjanji bahawa Musim 5 akan menampilkan "sentuhan baru" sehingga yang diluar daripada normal bagi keseluruhan program di waktu pandemik Covid19 yang melanda dunia.

Tuan rumah dan penerbit eksekutif RuPaul Charles berjanji bahawa Musim 5 akan menampilkan "sentuhan baru" sehingga yang diluar daripada normal bagi keseluruhan program di waktu pandemik Covid19 yang melanda dunia.
Peserta untuk Musim 5 "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" Musim 5 ini terdiri daripada
Blair St. Clair (Season 10)
Twitter: @BlairStClair, Instagram: @Blairst.ClairBlair St. Clair, came in ninth on Season 10 of “Drag Race.” One of the youngest contestants to appear on the series, Blair made headlines when she revealed on the show — and for the first time in her life — that she was sexually assaulted in college.
India Ferrah (Season 3, Tempat ke 10)
Twitter: @IndiaFerrah, Instagram: @IndiaFerrah
Terkenal di musim ke tiga kerana sewaktu persembahan Lip sync telah melakukan aksi bersentuhan dengan lawan lip sync nya sehingga Rupauls mengeluarkan kata azimat “Drag is not a contact sport.”.
Jujubee (Season 2, All Stars 1)
Twitter: @Jujuboston, Instagram: @Jujubeeonline
Menduduki tempat ketiga sewaktu berentap di musim kedua Drag race dan kembali di rancangan All Star musim satu. kini kembali buat kali ketiga di All Star Musim 5
Mariah Paris Balenciaga (Season 3)
Twitter: @MUG4DAYZ, Instagram: @MUG4DAYZMariah Paris Balenciaga, came in ninth on Season 3 of “Drag Race.” She also appeared as a drag professor on the “Drag Race” spin-off show “RuPaul’s Drag U” in 2011 and 2012.
Mayhem Miller (Season 10)
Twitter: @TheOnlyMayhem, Instagram: @TheOnlyMayhemMayhem Miller, came in tenth on Season 10 of “Drag Race.” A queen with several connections to other “Drag Race” queens — she’s in the same drag family as Detox and Delta Work — Mayhem also appeared on 2018’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race Holi-slay Spectacular.”
RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars ditayangkan 5 pada hari Jumaat, bermula 5 Jun jam 8:00 malam menerusi VH1.
Alexis Mateo, came in third on Season 3 of “Drag Race” and appeared on Season 1 of “All Stars.” She’s also the drag mother of recent “Drag Race” breakout star Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.

Blair St. Clair (Season 10)
Twitter: @BlairStClair, Instagram: @Blairst.ClairBlair St. Clair, came in ninth on Season 10 of “Drag Race.” One of the youngest contestants to appear on the series, Blair made headlines when she revealed on the show — and for the first time in her life — that she was sexually assaulted in college.
Derrick Barry, came in fifth on Season 8 of “Drag Race.” She first appeared on reality TV performing as Britney Spears on the third season of “America’s Got Talent.” Derrick has also performed in “RuPaul’s Drag Race Live!,” the current Las Vegas stage show that went hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
India Ferrah (Season 3, Tempat ke 10)
Twitter: @IndiaFerrah, Instagram: @IndiaFerrah
Terkenal di musim ke tiga kerana sewaktu persembahan Lip sync telah melakukan aksi bersentuhan dengan lawan lip sync nya sehingga Rupauls mengeluarkan kata azimat “Drag is not a contact sport.”.

Jujubee (Season 2, All Stars 1)
Twitter: @Jujuboston, Instagram: @Jujubeeonline
Menduduki tempat ketiga sewaktu berentap di musim kedua Drag race dan kembali di rancangan All Star musim satu. kini kembali buat kali ketiga di All Star Musim 5
Mariah Paris Balenciaga (Season 3)
Twitter: @MUG4DAYZ, Instagram: @MUG4DAYZMariah Paris Balenciaga, came in ninth on Season 3 of “Drag Race.” She also appeared as a drag professor on the “Drag Race” spin-off show “RuPaul’s Drag U” in 2011 and 2012.
Mayhem Miller (Season 10)
Twitter: @TheOnlyMayhem, Instagram: @TheOnlyMayhemMayhem Miller, came in tenth on Season 10 of “Drag Race.” A queen with several connections to other “Drag Race” queens — she’s in the same drag family as Detox and Delta Work — Mayhem also appeared on 2018’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race Holi-slay Spectacular.”
Miz Cracker, came in fifth place on Season 10 of “Drag Race.” She’s also a regular columnist for Slate, and won the 2016 Excellence in Column Writing award winner for the Association of LGBTQ Journalists (i.e. the NLGJA).
Ongina (Season 1)
Twitter: @Ongina, Instagram: @Ongina
Ongina (Season 1)
Twitter: @Ongina, Instagram: @Ongina
Ongina, came in fifth place on Season 1 of “Drag Race,” and is one of the first reality stars to publicly reveal their HIV-positive status while on their show.
Shea Couleé (Season 9)
Twitter: @SheaCoulee, Instagram: @SheaCouleeShea Couleé, came in third place on Season 9 of “Drag Race,” and is only one of two “Drag Race” contestants ever to win four challenges in their season.
Shea Couleé (Season 9)
Twitter: @SheaCoulee, Instagram: @SheaCouleeShea Couleé, came in third place on Season 9 of “Drag Race,” and is only one of two “Drag Race” contestants ever to win four challenges in their season.

Siapakah yang bakal mememangi perlumbaan ini? tungguuu
May the best woman win!
May the best woman win!
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Kredit : RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars