20 Foto Bersejarah Kena Tengok Sekurangnya Sekali Seumur Hidup

Sekeping gambar dapat menggambarkan dan memberikan 1000 makna yang mendalam pada yang melihatnya itulah gambaran gambar-gambar bersejarah di bawah ini terkandung 1001 makna dan sejarah yang tersirat didalamnya. 

Jadi jom kita selongkar.. 20 Foto Bersejarah Kena Tengok Sekurangnya Sekali Seumur Hidup

Gambar Eiffel Tower Sewaktu pembinaan

1955 - Construction of Sleeping Beauty Castle

Pemuzik Kapal Titanic

Korean War Goodbye Kiss, Los Angeles, Sept. 6, 1950

Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke, left his family picture on the moon, 1972

the last public execution in history

Beethoven versus Justin Bieber

Google Started

the construction of Statue of Liberty, 1884

Neil Armstrong after the first walk on the moon, 1969

the first McDonalds

the last photo of titanic, 1912

Walt Disney opened the Disney Studio

historical map of the Philippines, 1974

testing bulletproof vest, 1923

Einstein's office after his death, 1955

the microsoft staff in 1978

the construction of Berlin Wall, 1961

kira-kira 5500 talian telefon menara telefon stockholm, 1890

romantic hairstyle of men, 1960s-1970s

boxing match in new york (1899)

inspired by: PERFECT LIFE

all credits: GOOGLE PHOTOS

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