Panggilan untuk pemilik hati terlapang.
Pemilik punggung terkuat.
Pelindung terkokoh.
Meski tak pandai bicara cinta, dan tak pandai mengurai air mata,
namun di setiap tengadahnya,
tak pernah lupa menyebut namamu dalam do’a.
Rabbighfirlī waliwālidayya warham humā kamā rabbayānī shaghīrā.
“Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah dosaku dan (dosa) kedua orang tuaku. Sayangilah keduanya sebagaimana keduanya menyayangiku di waktu aku kecil.”
Ada satu hadiah terindah untuk semua ayah: menjadi anak shalih-shalihah. Pribadi yang memegang teguh Islam, mengutamakan bakti kepada kedua orang tua, dan menjadi sosok yang bisa diandalkan sepeninggalnya.
Dan sedekah atas nama ayah adalah salah satu bentuk bakti kita.

Congratulations on all the moments and everyday.
′′ Dad, maybe it's a while
There is time for us to be more
Much more than two great friends
Father and son maybe
Dad, maybe you'll feel it then
Anything between these twenty or thirty
Long years in search of peace
Dad, believe me, I'm fine, I'm going
' I'm trying to live and ask
With madness for you to be born
Dad I don't care to be everything
I just don't want to and I won't stay silent
To talk about love to you
Dad, sit here and dinner's table
Speak your voice a little bit ' it's so stuck
Teach us this game of life
Where life only pays to see
Father, forgive me this insecurity
Because I'm not that child anymore
That one day scared to death
In your arms you made secret
In your steps you were more me
Dad I grew up and there was no other way
I just want to sit on your chest
To ask you to come to the house
And play grandpa with my son
On the living room mat
Dad you were my hero my thug
Today is more than a friend
Neither you nor anyone else are alone
You are part of this path
That today I follow in peace
Dad ′′
Fábio Junior
Kredit : Being Man